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Jonah – His Journey to Nineveh
Good morning Calvary Family! I am excited to be here today and to open the Word with you. As I am sure you know, it’s Mother’s day! I really hope that you are planning something nice for mom, or will call her later today to say how much you love her! Each year I grow in a deeper appreciation of who my mom is and the patience that she would have had to put up with me and my siblings,…
James 1:16-18 – God Is Not Holding Out On You
The Pilgrim’s Progress is one of the most read Christian books. For more than two centuries after its publication, it ranked just behind the King James Bible as the most common and important book in evangelical Protestant households. It has been translated into more than two hundred languages, including eighty in Africa alone. It is an allegory of the Christian life. Christian is the main character, who leaves his home, the City of Destruction, on a journey to the Celestial…
Exodus 3
Guest preacher Matt Durkee is one of the missionaries that Calvary Pembroke supports. He works for Friends in Action International.
Come and Have Breakfast
John 21:1-14
God’s Path to a Worry-Free Living (Phil 4:4-9)
Well, there couldn’t have been a more providential time for us to consider the sin of anxiety and worry could there? “Anxiety”= it can put ulcers in our stomachs. It can zap our energy. It can cause us to want to jump off bridges. Also causes a multitude of other problems: worry about finances = greed, selfishness. Worry about what someone thinks = lying. 1st we want to understand the relation between these verses: Verse 4 “rejoice” = to be…