Calvary+ is the adult Christian education ministry of CBC, Pembroke. Unable to say everything in a Sunday sermon that we’d like, we have sought to take the believer deeper into God’s Word in two different ways / forums.
Rooted (Col. 2:6-7) is Calvary’s discipleship pipeline designed to help believers love God with all of their mind. Taught by CBC’s pastoral staff, Rooted seeks to help those who attend to love God by deepening their knowledge of theology and it’s practice. Instruction lasts for about an hour and is followed by a prayer time.
A Weekender is a more concentrated time of instruction. Once, sometimes twice a year, and in partnership with Heritage College and Theological Seminary, faculty come and instruct those who gather from 10am-3pm on a variety of topics. Past classes have included Ethics in the 21st Century (Dr. Stan Fowler), The Psalms (Dr. Dave Barker), Turning Points of Church History (Dr. Michael Haykin), The Drama of Redemption (Dr. Barry Howson) and NT Overview (Dr. Wayne Baxter). Lunch is typically provided. Faculty also fill our pulpit on the Sunday.
New topics will be announced at a future date. Browse our most recent sessions here.